Young actress Aditi Patwa is earning praise for her portrayal of Koyal in the show Pyaar Ka Pehla Adhyaya Shiv Shakti, produced by Prateek Sharma’s Studio LSD. She plays the role of Koyal, who is the sister of Dr Keertan (Gaurav Wadhwa) and cousin sister of Dr Shiv (Arjun Bijlani).
Talking about her character, Aditi says, “My character Koyal is outspoken and unapologetic. She’s confident and wears whatever clothes she feels like. Koyal is today’s generation girl like us. She is always on her mobile phone, always busy wondering what to wear today, what she should post, which hashtag to use and all that. She just lives in her own world, loves her brother Keertan (Gaurav Wadhwa) very much but doesn’t care about anyone else.”
Aditi always wanted to play such a role. “I always wonder about the characters I play. In fact, I do relate a lot to this character. That’s why it has been comfortable to play this part,” she says.
The production value of the show is impressive. There has been a positive response around the same. “Those who have watched the show have only nice things to say about the production quality. It’s been really impressive how the team has come together to give viewers such an experience,” she adds.
“It has been a good experience working with the makers. Initially, I was a bit nervous. Thanks to Studio LSD, they really cooperate and make sure to provide us with a healthy work environment. The way they cooperated with me during the audition procedure for this character, I feel really thankful that I have got such a team to work with. And, collaborating with Prateek Sharma on this project actually felt unreal in the beginning. I am grateful that I got this chance.”
Best of luck!!