Popular actor Shaheer Sheikh has been active on social media to share some important developments that happen in his life. Recently, he met good friend Hina Khan at her hospital and shared a picture and an emotional post about how Hina has been a fearless and fiery warrior fighting for life after being diagnosed with third-level breast cancer. And now, he is on social media to wish his favourite mother, Supriya Pilgaonkar a very happy birthday. Yes, Supriya the senior actress and Shaheer share a very affectionate bond from the days of Kuch Rang Pyar Ke Aise Bhi. The show which had successful seasonal runs had Shaheer Sheikh and Erica Fernandes in lead roles. Supriya Pilgaonkar played the onscreen mother to Shaheer Sheikh.

Shaheer did not miss the moment to wish his mother Supriya on her birthday. He called her ‘Meri Pyraai Maa’ and wished her on her special day. He also put up pictures of them from the show. Certainly, a few onscreen bonds can never change with time. And Shaheer is so right here when he calls Supriya as his mother.

You can check the cute post with pictures here. Erica too replied to the same post wishing her mother a happy birthday. It is so evident that both the actors share the same sentiments when it comes to Supriya.

Kuch Rang Pyar Ke Aise Bhi Reunion: Shaheer Sheikh Wishes Supriya Pilgaonokar On Her Birthday; Erica Fernandes Joins Him With A Cute Reply 913706

Kuch Rang Pyar Ke Aise Bhi Reunion: Shaheer Sheikh Wishes Supriya Pilgaonokar On Her Birthday; Erica Fernandes Joins Him With A Cute Reply 913707

Courtesy: Instagram

As we know, Kuch Rang Pyar Ke Aise Bhi was a phenomenal hit. Shaheer played the role of Dev Dixit while Erica Fernandes is even today remembered for her portrayal of Sonakshi. Supriya Pigaonkar played the role of Ishwari Dixit in the show.

This cute post of Shaheer’s will surely lead fans of Kuch Rang Pyar Ke Aise Bhi to have moist eyes!!