Kundali Bhagya fans were undoubtedly missing the beautiful trio of mother Supriya Shukla as Sarla with her two daughters Shraddha Arya as Preeta and Anjum Fakih as Shrishti. Though the show has come to an end, their bond in real is still the same. Their fans were in for a treat as Anjum, Shraddha, and Supriya reunited after a long time, bringing back cherished memories from the golden days of the show. Sharing photos from their reunion, Anjum delighted fans by recreating the adorable moments and their adorable chemistry.

Anjum shared photos on her Instagram account with Shraddha and Supriya, leaving fans nostalgic who adored their camaraderie on the show. The opening frame shows Supriya and Anjum kissing Shraddha from both sides, highlighting the trip’s genuine bond in real life. It seems Anjum bought a cute basket with two toys to congratulate Shraddha for becoming a mother to twin babies—a girl and a boy.

Kundali Bhagya: Anjum Fakih, Shraddha Arya & Supriya Shukla's Nostalgic Moments Delights Fans 933078

Kundali Bhagya: Anjum Fakih, Shraddha Arya & Supriya Shukla's Nostalgic Moments Delights Fans 933077

Throughout the photos, the Kundali Bhagya trio can be seen enjoying laughter moments, heartfelt conversation, and fun time, proving that their friendship remains strong even though they still don’t work together. The special get-together ended on a chilling dinner table with healthy and tasty food. This trio has won hearts and will forever stay the audience’s favorite. Anjum captioned her post, “Kyunki Kuch Rishtey aapki Kundali me hote hai !Aur Kuch aapke Bhagya me !#preeta #sarlama #shrishti
#kundalibhagya #trideviyaan.”

Users commented under Anjum’s post, expressing their happiness and joy. One user said, “Miss this bond on our screen.” The second wrote, “Sarla maa with her two daughters.” The third said, “Granny and Masi went to meet cuties.”