Actor Lovish Saini who was earlier part of the cast of Naagin 6 on Colors, has now joined the cast of the Dangal show Baazi Ishq Ki. Produced by Yash Patnaik’s Inspire Films, this show has seen a new twist with a few new entries.
Lovish has a very stylish role in the show, and loves it to the ‘T’. He plays the role of Om in Baazi Ishq Ki and says, “I think I have been pretty devoted to Lord Shiva recently, and I believe the Universe chose me to play Om in the show. The look is quite simple; however, Om has this typical style wherein he wears bands and bracelets on his wrists inspired by the rowdies/heroism of the Hindi film industry, and it generally takes 10 minutes to be ready in Om’s getup.”
Talking about relating to the character, he says, “I also get extremely mad at my family during family conflicts. I think the show has taken an interesting turn, and I am eagerly waiting for the audience’s response to it. As far as the USP is concerned, I think the story/writing is very original, creative, and interesting.”
Talking about the growth in viewership that television has seen, Lovish explains, “I think due to advancements in technology, television entertainment has also been able to reach villages and rural sectors of the country, wherein now people from these segments can enjoy shows. It’s cute how they start relating their lives to the show dramas.”
Best of luck, Lovish!!