Hina Khan and Arishfa Khan are well-known divas in the industry. Both style icons excel in their fashion game, particularly in Western attire. Recently, the divas showcased their glam appearance with fashionable looks on Instagram posts. Here’s a guide inspired by their looks to help you master Western fashion with stunning makeup and hairstyles just like Hina Khan and Arishfa Khan. Take a look at the appearance below!

Hina Khan And Arishfa Khan’s Makeup And Hairstyle Photos-

Hina Khan

Master Western Fashion With Makeup and Hairstyle Advice From Hina Khan And Arshifa Khan 902582

Master Western Fashion With Makeup and Hairstyle Advice From Hina Khan And Arshifa Khan 902583

Hina Khan’s look is the perfect option if you are looking for formal look makeup and hairstyle inspiration. Opt for a black blazer set for a formal look, just like Hina Khan for a sophisticated look. For makeup, start with a flawless base using foundation and concealer with a skin shade for a natural look, and opt for a pink shade for eyeshadow, highlighted cheeks, and creamy peach lips, which can add a dramatic effect to your look. For your hairstyle, go for sleek front bangs, straight highlight hairstyle, and finish with a light hairspray like Hina Khan.

Arishfa Khan

Master Western Fashion With Makeup and Hairstyle Advice From Hina Khan And Arshifa Khan 902581

Master Western Fashion With Makeup and Hairstyle Advice From Hina Khan And Arshifa Khan 902580

For a casual fashion look, opt for a vibrant printed co-ord for a stylish look like Arishfa Khan. Choose a glowy shade that will make your face look fresh for a makeup look. Start with a skin-shade foundation and concealer. After that, give your eyes a light and matte winged on the eyelids, shimmery highlighted cheeks, and creamy dark peachy lips. It is the best combination for your co-ord set. For hairstyle, start by partitioning from the middle and wavy flat iron and give some soft twist while straightening. Then, you will achieve soft waves just like Arishfa Khan.

By taking inspiration from Hina Khan and Arishfa Khan’s trendy hairstyles and makeup, you can master Western fashion effortlessly.