Popular actor Kinshuk Mahajan is presently seen in the role of Manoj Kohli, in Colors’ newly launched show Megha Barsenge. The show produced by Saurabh Tewari’s Parin Multimedia sees Kinshuk playing the role of an NRI groom who cheats on girls by marrying them and eloping with their huge money. The character uses to his advantage his endearing persona, and sugar-coated talks to impress the girl and the girl’s family. He creates a make-believe story to loot the family of their money.

Kinshuk got married to Divya in the year 2010. Kinshuk and Divya were blessed with twins – Ssahir and Saishaa on 7 October 2017. Wondering why we are talking about the birth date of Kinshuk’s kids? Well, if you are watching Megha Barsenge, you will notice the tattooed arm of Kinshuk Mahajan which has the birth date of his kids.

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Yes, every time Kinshuk answers his phone or uses his right hand, the tattoo with the dates is very much visible.

We at IWMBuzz.com asked Kinshuk about the tattoo that he has on his hand, the actor talked about the special number saying, “Yes, I have the tattoo of the date of birth of my kids on my hand. It is a pendulum number, which is the same when read from front and back. Of course, I am a proud father. I wanted to get something done to mark the dates and the special moment. So yes, this tattoo is special.”

Aww!! Have you noticed this special tattoo on Kinshuk Mahajan’s hand? Certainly, a cute gesture coming from a loving father!!