Shraddha Arya is enjoying her new journey as a mother. The actress welcomed twins – a baby boy and a baby girl with her husband, Rahul Nagal, on 29 November 2025. Ever since the birth of newborns, the Kundali Bhagya actress has been sharing their photos and videos on social media. Though she didn’t reveal her babies’ faces but, the cute little hands always make us wonder how they look. Well, we can just wait for that special day. But Shraddha is having a good time with her babies. Reflecting on her experience as a mother, the actress dropped a series of photos celebrating Makar Sankranti and Lohri on her social media.

The opening frame features Shraddha posing with Rahul as they celebrate Lohri. The actress looked pretty wearing a pre-stitched lehenga-style red saree with a ruffle detail. She paired it with a pink golden print blouse. Her simple bun, bindi, and minimal makeup rounded out her appearance. Rahul looked handsome in a red kurta with denim jeans. From dancing to the music of a DJ to performing puja with the family and their little bundle of joys, the couple looked happy. The cute family photos always leave us in awe.

Motherhood & Festivities: Shraddha Arya's Heartwarming Festival Experience 932703

Sharing her experience of embracing motherhood this Lohri festival, new mommy Shraddha wrote in her caption, “Perks of being a Naval wife and living inside the Cantonment area.. There’s waterfront, greenery, groceries & celebrations, all within the premises.
Happy Lohri & Makar Sakranti from Us to you!
P.S -The 2nd pic depicts – bachon ko ghar pe Sula ke aayi.”