Actor Manas Shah, who has been a part of shows like Humari Devrani, Sankat Mochan Mahabali Hanumaan, and Yeh Hai Chahatein, recently joined the Dangal show Tulsi – Hamari Badi Sayani and says that all his memories of Republic Day take him back to his school days.

“When I think about Republic Day, my earliest memory goes back to my school days. I remember how we would wake up early in the morning, put on our crisp white uniforms, and gather on the school grounds for the flag-hoisting ceremony. I was always so excited to participate in the parade and cultural programs. The entire school was filled with patriotic songs, and we felt a sense of pride while saluting the national flag. Watching the Republic Day parade on TV with my family was another special tradition. Seeing the vibrant cultural displays, brave soldiers, and stunning performances at Rajpath inspired a deep love for the country in me, even as a child,” he says.

Talking about the importance of the day, he says, “Republic Day holds immense importance even today. It reminds us of the values of justice, equality, and freedom that are the foundation of our Constitution. It’s a day to reflect on how far we’ve come as a nation and how much more we can achieve by staying united. For me, it’s not just about celebration but also about understanding our responsibilities as citizens. In today’s time especially, Republic Day is a reminder to uphold these principles and work towards a better, stronger, and more inclusive India.”

Talking about his role in Tulsi Humari Badi Sayani, Manas says, “My character is like Robin Hood. He’s an anti-hero who fights against wrongdoings and supports what’s right. My character may look like a don at first glance, with a commanding presence in the city, but deep inside, he’s a kind-hearted and cool person—a true positive hero. It’s a unique role where I’m entering the show as a new hero.”