Actor Abdu Rozik has had immense exposure in the reality shows Bigg Boss 16, Entertainment Ki Raat Housefull, Fear Factor: Khatron Ke Khiladi 13. He is now on course to be seen in the new season of Laughter Chefs, the one-of-its-kind reality show on Colors. The new season of ‘Laughter Chefs Entertainment Unlimited’ promises to be an irresistible buffet of humor, chemistry, antics, and quirks, guaranteed to tickle your funny bone and leave you craving for more. Abdu Rozik who recently tested his acting skills with a special appearance in Zee TV’s Pyar Ka Pehla Naam Radha Mohan, talks to about his love for cooking, his experience as he shoots for the Colors show Laughter Chefs and more.

Read them here.

You have been a master of all, trying your luck at acting and now showing off your culinary skills. Tell us about it.

I really enjoy cooking, and when I get the chance to go back to my home village, my favourite dish to cook is Osh. It’s a traditional dish close to my heart, and I find joy in preparing it for my family and friends.

How has your experience been on Colors’ Laughter Chefs?

I am having a wonderful time at Laughter Chefs. From the very beginning, it’s been a delightful journey filled with laughter. Working alongside the teams has been an absolute pleasure, and the positive atmosphere on set makes every moment enjoyable.

What is the intention behind you taking up this show?

The main intention is to reconnect with my fans and friends in India. It’s always special to be back here, and this show provides a fantastic platform to not only entertain, but also explore future opportunities and collaborations.

Your cooking skills have been appreciated in the show. Tell us about this skill of yours.

Cooking is something I have picked up and nurtured over the years. I learned to prepare many dishes in my home village, and my time in Dubai has also allowed me to experiment and grow my culinary abilities. It’s a skill I truly cherish.

How do you want to take forward your career?

I want my career to evolve in multiple directions, embracing challenges that push me to learn new things. I am open to exploring diverse opportunities, whether in entertainment, cooking, or other creative avenues.

Tell us what you like best in Laughter Chefs.

What I love the most about Laughter Chefs is the teamwork and the dancing. These elements bring so much energy and excitement to the show, making them my absolute favourite parts of the experience.

All the best!!