Recently, CID the longest running show, completed 20 years on Sony Entertainment Television. With Shivaji Satam also known as ACP Pradyuman and other important cast members like Aditya Srivastava, Dayanand Shetty, Dinesh Phadnis, Shraddha Musale, Ansha Sayed and Narendra Gupta who completed a 20 year long journey where they started off as working colleages to very good friends who are more like family to each other. The show is known to solve crimes and murder mysteries and has been standing strong since 2 decades.
When asked Shivaji Satam, he replied, “We never realized it that CID completed 20 years. It has been a great journey for us. We have always stayed together and spent time eating our meals, shooting and hanging out together. At first, we were colleagues when we all came together to put up this show but now it feels like our own family. Spending so much of time together has only taught us to love and care for each other and that is why CID has been the longest running show in the whole world. We are so glad and honoured that we can still see the support our audience gives us and we are known more from our reel names that our real names. It is a great feeling and we would love to thank our friends and viewers for supporting us and the show.”
Watch CID every Saturday and Sunday, 10PM only on Sony Entertainment Television!