I never thought that I could be in this field of entertainment: Mohsin Khan

Did you know Mohsin Khan is an electronic engineer?

Did you know Mohsin Khan is an electronic engineer?

Actor Mohsin Khan is one of the most successful names in the TV industry today. The actor says that he had never imagined that he would become such a successful actor.

“There’s a struggle in every field. The entertainment industry is no different. I think that’s the way our Lord tests us to show us the value of what we have. Even in entertainment, it’s not just the actors who struggle, there are writers directors cameraman, journalists. Everyone goes through that phase. We all need to put in our best every day. I am an electronic engineer. If I’d have gone ahead with that I’m sure in that field also I have gone through the struggle. Mashallah, I’m grateful to my lord for everything he has bestowed on me including the struggles.”

‘Work is Love made visible’ – Khalil Gibran. Working with passion, with love, with discipline! I never thought that I could be in this field of entertainment. But I knew one thing, if I do it, I’ll do it with all my heart. It has taken me 10 years of struggle but with that, I had to complete my education although learning is forever,” he says.