Actress Celesti Bairagey who was seen in the Star Plus show Udti Ka Nam Rajjo, is a sports enthusiast. Staying fit and indulging in the sports forms, are what keep her motivated. Today, 29 August, on National Sports Day, Celesti talks about her love for sports.

Read on.

What role did sports play in your life, and how has it shaped who you are today?

Growing up, running around and playing games was how I discovered my love for challenges. It taught me the importance of hard work, resilience, and the beauty of never giving up—traits that have shaped me both as an actor and as a person. Without sports, I wouldn’t have the same grit or the passion that drives me in my career today. Now, I am rediscovering that love for physical activity by trying my hand at different fitness routines. I am also planning to get more involved with sports again—there’s just something about the energy of playing a game that I really miss.

Do you have a favorite sportsperson? How did he or she influence you?

Recently, I have been really inspired by PV Sindhu. She’s not only a phenomenal badminton player but also someone who has consistently pushed the boundaries of what’s possible. PV Sindhu’s focus, discipline, and ability to handle pressure on the world stage are qualities that I deeply admire. She’s shown that success doesn’t come easy—it’s a result of years of dedication, hard work, and a refusal to settle for anything less than the best. Her story inspires me to apply that same level of commitment to my own goals.

Is there any sports-themed film that you think captures the true spirit of the sport? Why?

Oh, definitely! Chak De! India is one film that resonates with me on so many levels. It’s not just about hockey; it’s about unity, determination, and the strength of the human spirit. The way the film portrays the struggles and triumphs of the women’s hockey team is so raw and real.

In what ways do you think the discipline and focus required in sports are similar to those in your career?

Discipline and focus are the backbone of both sports and acting. In sports, every single day is about pushing your limits, staying committed to your goals, and being present in the moment—exactly what’s needed in my career as well. Whether I’m preparing for a challenging role or delivering a powerful performance, the same principles apply. You need to be disciplined with your craft, focused on your character, and always ready to give it your all. It’s this parallel that makes my connection with sports so strong—they’re two sides of the same coin. As I work on getting fitter and more involved in sports, I’m realizing just how much these qualities help me on and off the field, just like they do on set.

Very few people post 30 indulge in sports. Gymming is the most common thing people do for fitness at the most. What is your viewpoint?

It’s true that many people lean towards gymming after 30, but I believe there’s something magical about continuing with sports. Gymming is great for fitness, but sports bring an element of fun, competition, and social interaction that you can’t replicate on a treadmill. Plus, sports challenge both your body and mind in ways that are incredibly fulfilling. I think more people should keep the spirit of play alive, no matter their age. It’s not just about staying fit; it’s about staying young at heart.

What message would you like to give regarding the importance of sports and physical activity?

If there’s one thing I’d like to say, it’s this: Never underestimate the power of sports and physical activity in your life. It’s not just about staying fit; it’s about building character, finding joy in the little victories, and learning to embrace the challenges that come your way. Whether you’re a kid, a teen, or someone in your 50s, there’s always something to gain from being active. So, keep moving, keep playing, and let sports be your companion in every stage of life!