Young actress Harshpreet Kaur, who is currently seen playing the role of Chandrika in the Colors TV show Parineetii, got in a candid chat for our fun rapid-fire segment and gave some amazing answers. Read here:

Describe yourself in 3 words:

Loyal, Passionate and Humorous

Are you a tattoo person?

No, I am not but I wish to get one which I decided long back. “That Too Shall Pass.”

If you could be from any other era what would it be

From the seventies.

If you had one superpower what would it be?

I would love to have telekinesis.

Would you date a fan

Hahaha why not!

Do you sing in the shower? Is there a favourite song there

No, I am not a bathroom singer.

Any wild dream you have seen

Not Yet.

Your biggest or weirdest fear

I am an aquaphobic. However, I am working on it.

Your dream destination

New Orleans, Paris

Your favourite past time

Binging, Snacking, and listening to music.