Actress Shweta Malik, who plays the role of Veeju, the mother of the male lead Aman in Kumeria Productions’ new show for Doordarshan titled Jahaan Chaand Rehta Hai, is happy on bagging the role. She says that the show will be loved for sure. She adds that stories on these topics always grab attention.
Says Shweta, “I believe the show is going to be a hit for sure. Of course, the stories of Kalpana Chawla always fascinated us during our childhood. In the show, I play the role of Aman’s (the hero’s) mother. She is affectionate and homely.”
She adds, “I relate to the character as a mother because I’ve enjoyed both being at home and working. I’ve experienced both aspects.”
Talking about working with Kumeria Productions, she says, “Working with Kumeria Productions has been good. The environment is supportive and positive. This is my first project with Kumeria Productions. There have been so many interesting incidents on the set. Working on the set is enjoyable, and the director, in particular, is great.”
The show is set to air on DD National. Talking about the same, she says, “Shows like Ramayan, Mahabharat, and Udaan were the ones I was hooked on during my childhood. DD National is going to regain its popularity with our show.”
Jahaan Chaand Rehta Hai, produced by Kumeria Productions has Raghav Dhir and Sonam Lamb playing the lead roles.