Actor Arjit Taneja who is presently seen enthralling audiences with his magical on-screen pairing with Sriti Jha in Zee TV’s Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye, is happy and contented, after bagging all the love and affection from the audiences for his role in the show. The Mukta Dhond’s Malhar Content Creators show, Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye on Zee TV, has won a lot of love and is blessed with a realistic, unique story-telling. The year 2024 has been all about the love they have received for AmVira, with the characters of Amruta and Virat Singh Ahuja becoming household names. Their onscreen chemistry and the story line’s relatability have been talked about a lot this year. A lot of credit goes to Sriti and Arjit for carrying out their lead roles with great ease.
Arjit Taneja looks back at the year 2024 and finds it satisfying for many reasons. He says, “Looking back at 2024, I feel incredibly blessed to have grown both personally and professionally. Playing Virat has been an exhilarating journey, and the love from the audience keeps me motivated. For 2025, my goal is to focus on self-improvement, travel more, and experiment with new challenges. I plan to spend New Year’s Eve with my family, reflecting on the year gone by and setting goals for the year ahead. May 2025 bring joy, success, and good health to everyone. Happy New Year to all!”
Wishing all our readers a very Happy New Year!!