Actor Ram Mehar Jangra who had featured in the earlier successful season of Dil Se Di Dua… Saubhagyavati Bhava?, will reprise his role in the upcoming Season 2 of the show. The new season titled Saubhagyavati Bhava – Niyam aur Shartien Laagu, on Star Bharat, will have Karanvir Bohra, Dheeraj Dhoopar and Amardeep Sidhu playing the lead roles.

As we know, the first instalment of the show which aired in 2011, had Sriti Jha, Harshad Chopda and Karanvir Bohra playing the leads. Ram Mehar Jangra was part of the first season and was very popular in the role of Unniyal, who was Viraj’s employee.

The actor will now reprise the role of Unniyal, as the makers want to cash in on the popularity of the Jodi- Viraj and Unniyal.

Says Ram Mehar Jangra to, “Unniyal will be back again. In the earlier season that aired in 2011, Viraj, played by Karanvir Bohra and Unniyal’s connect was hugely popular. The Jodi was a hit and even today, I get recognized as Unniyal in public. The channel will now bring the Jodi back again, to provide a comic relief in the show.”

“Unniyal will be villainish as well as comic. Unniyal will be a big follower of Viraj yet again. Basically, they are partners in whatever they do together. This Jodi used to have one or two scenes in every episode in the first instalment. So the Jodi will be back with a mighty introduction in the new season. I am happy to join the cast of Saubhagyavati Bhava – Niyam aur Shartien Laagu. I am looking forward to working with Karanvir Bohra and in the show again.”

Best of luck!!