Young actor Rohit Agrawal who was seen in Shemaroo Umang’s show Kyunkii Tum Hi Hoo, has joined the cast of Colors’ Doree 2, produced by Jay Mehta and Kinnari Mehta’s Jay Productions. Rohit plays the role of Sattu, a character who has grown in the show along with the protagonist Doree. Sattu’s character was seen in the first edition of Doree, where he was shown to be the best friend of Doree.
Going forward, the amazing bond between Doree and Sattu has been strengthened, with the character shown sharing a unique bond with Doree (Priyanshi Yadav).
Rohit talks about his character and the great experience he is bagging being part of the cast of Doree 2. He says, “Doree and Sattu define the close friendships that are seen in two-tier or three-tier cities. The bond between them has grown with every passing day, without any expectations. Sattu will be there for Doree always, and it is a cute bond that audiences will see.”
In addition to having a good rapport with Doree, the character will also be seen having a great wavelength with Ganga, played by Amarr Upadhyay. “Sattu is very responsible and will play a part of his own in the storyline,” he says.
“My working experience has been amazing on set since day one. Everything has been amazing, the team is very professional, and they respect each and every member of the cast and crew. I enjoy working with Amar Sir because it’s my second show with him after Shemaroo Umang’s Kyunkii Tum Hi Hoo,” states Rohit.
Talking in depth about Amarr Upadhyay, the actor shares, ” I really love his passion for the art of acting. The dedication he puts to every scene needs to be watched and learnt. He is an inspiration on the set. All the co-actors and the Director are wonderful to work with.”
Best of luck!!