Siddharth Nigam along with his mother Vibha Nigam and brother Abhishek Nigam visited Shirdi recently. The actor who is off on a family trip, has shared the pictures on his social media handle on Tuesday, as he seeks blessings from Sai Ram, as they initiate their new year 2023. Siddharth Nigam and brother Abhishek Nigam both are popular television actors, and have earned their separate fanbases over the years.
Coming back to the pictures, we can see Siddharth Nigam in a blue abstract printed t-shirt. He teamed it with beige trousers and black shades. His mother Vibha looked beautiful in her ethnic wear teamed with grey scarf and black shades. Abhishek Nigam looked hot in all white cas outfit. He wore a white shirt topped with a white jacket. He completed the look with black shades and gelled hairdo.
Sharing the pictures, Siddharth Nigam wrote, “Om sai Ram❤️??
#newyear #saibaba” here take a look at the pictures below-
Here take a look-
Earlier, Siddharth Nigam shared insights from his Rajasthan trip. Starting from getting a warm welcome followed by a Kalbeliya dance performance and so on, the posts gave us nothing but travel goals.
On the work front, Siddharth Nigam’s upcoming work is Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan alongside Salman Khan, Pooja Hegde, Shehnaaz Gill and others. However, this isn’t the first film he is working in. He earlier worked in the movie Dhoom 3 alongside Aamir Khan. However, Nigam became a household name after his amazing work in the show Ashoka and later Aladdin-Naam Toh Suna Hoga.