Shraddha Arya is an Indian actress best known for her portrayal as Preeta Arora in the daily soap Kundali Bhagya. She began her career in television by competing in the talent program India’s Best Cinestar Ki Khoj, where she placed first runner-up. Arya made her film debut in 2006 with the Tamil film Kalvanin Kadhali, in which she starred alongside S. J. Surya. Following this film, she appeared in Ram Gopal Verma’s Nishabd and was also featured in Paathshala alongside Genelia D’Souza and Shahid Kapoor. Arya continued to achieve in the South Film Industry after her Bollywood debut, appearing in films such as Godava, Kothi Muka, and Romeo. Her acting skills have gained her millions of fans and also made herself noteworthy in the industry.

However, her acting is not her only feature. Shraddha Arya has a great sense of style, whether it’s western or traditional or even casual outfits and she wears it well. Her western style is made up of fashionable dress pieces and casual ensembles that we can copy. Shraddha’s traditional outfits give off a royal bridal or princess vibe. Shraddha Arya has been featured in traditional dress in the daily episodes because her character requires it. Arya, on the other hand, looks astonishing in her western costumes, which are identical to her traditional ones. Right from daily streetwear to Lehengas for weddings, she has worn it all.

Check out her looks in traditional wear: –

Here are Shraddha Arya’s casual outfits –

Check out these Formal wear dresses by Shraddha Arya –

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