Actress Dhartii Bhatt who was last seen in Star Bharat’s show Woh Toh Hai Albelaa and is presently seen in the new Dangal show, Purnima, feels that Hindi, which is our National language needs to be given all the prominence that it deserves. On Hindi Diwas today (14 September), Dhartii talks about how she perceives the problem of finding people speaking Hindi these days.

Says Dhartii, “If you pay a closer look around yourself, you will see that people hardly speak in Hindi now. The country where the National language is Hindi is the second-largest English-speaking country in the world. And the language has become so important in our lives, that somewhere we have forgotten even the basics of Hindi.”

She adds on about the importance of the day and the need of the hour saying, “Hindi Diwas on September 14th reminds me of how important Hindi is in India. But we use English a lot because it helps us talk to people around the world. We should keep Hindi and our other languages intact, but knowing English can help us get good jobs in India and other countries. I think we should use both Hindi and English – that’s a good balance. When we know both, we can talk to more people and find better jobs. Languages are like tools, and knowing many is a good thing.”

“It’s sad to see Hindi becoming less common even though it’s our National language. India is now the second-biggest country where people speak English. Some people don’t want to talk in Hindi, and some people don’t like those who speak English a lot. But we should remember that the language we use is our choice. Nobody should feel bad about it. We should celebrate all our languages and be kind to everyone who speaks them.”

Wishing all our readers at a Happy Hindi Diwas!!