Bigg Boss beauty Nikki Tamboli has now shared a fierce candid video on her gram, where we could spot her wearing a pretty, gorgeous deep-neck floral white mini dress. The actress prompted pure goals, as she dropped the video on her gram. We couldn’t stop loving it more nevertheless.
In the video, we could spot her taking a swagger video in front of the mirror, as she decked up in the outfit. She teamed it with a sheer sleek straight hairdo. The actress teamed it with a minimal yet bold makeup look, while she took the video with her expensive iPhone 13 pro max.
Here take a look-
Talking of her work front, the actress has not just been in the reality show Bigg Boss but also has been seen in the show Khatron Ke Khiladi. The actress has also been featured in popular hit music videos so far now.
Apart from that, her fashion curls and cues have also been our favourites, and this one definitely gives off some baffling goals. What do you think? Let us know in the comments below-