Shraddha Arya is an Indian daily soap actress who gained fame due to her role of Preeta Arora in the serial Kundali Bhagya. She launched her profession in the television industry by participating in the talent show India’s Best Cinestars Ki Khoj and was the first runner-up. In 2006, Arya made her debut in movies with Tamil movie Kalvanin Kadhali, opposite S. j. Surya. After this movie, she entered the Bollywood screen with Ram Gopal Verma’s film Nishabd and was also seen in the movie Paathshala along with Genelia D’Souza and Shahid Kapoor. Along with her debut in Bollywood, Arya continued to work in the South Film Industry and played roles in movies like Godava, Kothi Muka, and Romeo.

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Shraddha ventured into the television industry in 2011 with the serial Main Lakshmi Tere Aangan Ki. Shraddha Arya was recognized as Pakhi which she played in the serial Tumhari Paakhi. After her breakthrough with the serial, she grew more famous due to her character of Ayesha in the serial Dream Girl – Ek Ladki Deewani Si. Shraddha was highly appreciated by critics for all her roles and received various awards for the same.

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In 2017, Shraddha Arya started playing the character of Preeta Arora and since then has received several awards and appreciation for her mettle performance.
We have seen Shraddha Arya in traditional attires on the show as her role demands it. On the other hand, Arya looks mesmerizing in her western outfits, similar to her traditional attires.

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Her western-style consists of trendy fashion pieces and casual outfits which can be recreated by us. As for her traditional looks, Shraddha serves a royal bride or a princess vibe. Shraddha Arya has a good fashion sense, whether western or traditional, which she slays with confidence.

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