Shraddha Arya currently seen in Zee TV show Kundali Bhagya opens up about her personal life. She was engaged to an NRI named Jayant back in late 2015. But differences made them go their separate ways sometime last year.

Not much is known about Jayant, and Shraddha always avoided relationship talk preferring to focus only on her work. The engagement had also been a private affair.

Talking to, Shraddha says, “It has been called off due to various reasons which I don’t want to discuss in public. I am very much single now.”

She had tried her best to iron out differences, and this has been pretty evident in her prior interviews on the same topic. Shraddha has also acted in Main Laxmi Tere angan Ki, Dream Girl before Kundali Bhagya. This Delhi girl had moved to TV after doing series of South flicks.

Will it leave a sour taste in your mouth regarding relationship? “No not at all. Being a dreamer I still believe in love and in the institution of marriage.”

“And to be honest I did not have a very bad experience, thank God for that. It often happens that two people in love are not meant for each other, so no one is really at fault. There are many good guys around. I am sure I will meet my real soul mate at some point of time,” adds Shraddha who also was a part of Ramgopal Verma’s film Nishabdh as well.

So the parting was not really bitter?.”Well at first the void does hanker but being a practical person I rather took it as a learning curve for my next relationship. Every mistake only makes you wiser. I will be more careful about my choices this time around. At the end of the day you are only left with two choices, either move on with grace or sulk till your wound heals. I chose the former coming out with fresher mind and bigger knowledge.”

Unfortunately 2015 was not a good year for love for the Arya family for even Shraddha’s sister Divya’s marriage to actor Ramman Handa was also called off at the eleventh hour. Raman’s alleged proximity to Tina Dutta was supposed to have been the tipping point.

We wish Shraddha a great year ahead!!