Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah actor Kush Shah, who won hearts as Goli, recently bid adieu to the show after working for 16 years. Co-stars Palak Sindhwani, Sunayana Fozdar, Mandar Chandwalkar, and others attended the farewell celebration. The actor left the show for his further education in New York. However, today, the actor shares a glimpse of his new project, in which he puts his legs in the director’s shoes for a music video. Let’s take a look.

Kush Shah Turns Director, Shares His Excitement For New Project

On Sunday, July 29, Kush re-shared the story his friend and partner Gaurav Parajuli posted. The story features a glimpse of the music video Shaam Tanha. The teaser of the music video has crossed one million views on Instagram handle, while it has gathered 14 thousand views on YouTube channel. Sharing the video, Gaurav wrote, “1 MILLION VIEWS!!!!! We are thrilled to see this response. Thank you everyone. Whoever hasn’t gotten a chance to watch, please click on.”

Taarak Mehta's Kush Shah Turns Director, Calls His First Project, 'Piece Of My Heart' 909740

Kush Shah revealed in his story that last year, he got the opportunity to direct and asked his fans to watch the video to see his directing skills. He said, “Last year got a chance to direct this! Please share it if you like!” Further, he expressed his feelings in his debut directing music video, saying, “Piece of my heart!”

Shaam Tanha is directed by Kush Shah and features Gaurav Parajuli, Kanishk Seth, and Diksha Singh in the lead roles. The music video was released on June 11, 2024.