Gashmeer Mahajani, who rose to immense fame with his role as Aditya Kumar Tripathi in his debut TV show Imlie, is excited about his new show Tere Ishq Mein Ghayal on Colors TV. The story revolves around a courageous young girl Esha (played by Reem Sameer Shaikh) who shares a strong connection with two brothers; Veer (played by Karan Kundrra) and Armaan (played by Gashmeer Mahajani). The two brothers happen to be werewolves and Esha is a human who gets on an arduous journey of love and heartbreak.
Talking about his show, Gashmeer said, “It is a new concept for Indian television audiences. A disruptive format that will break stereotypes. I have not done any fantasy fiction so I am excited to explore this genre. The show has an interesting mix of mysticism, romance, and drama which makes it a complete package of entertainment for viewers. I would say it is an experiment so we hope that the show works.
Further adding about his role as Armaan in the show, he mentioned, “I am enjoying the grey shade of my character. The part that I’m playing required me to look more muscular and use a deeper voice and strong body language that make my portrayal distinctive. Not only will I get to test my own mettle as an actor in this fantasy drama, but my fans will also get to see me in a completely new avatar of a werewolf.”
When asked about the action sequences and VFX in Tere Ishq Mein Ghayal, he shared, “Action is my favourite part of filming. I am enjoying that the most. VFX is minimalistic so fans will surely love it.”
Good luck Gashmeer!