Smriti Mohan Khanna who is known for her portrayal in Ghar Ki Lakshmi Betiyaan is happy and elated to be part of the new Colors show Tere Ishq Mein Ghayal produced by Yash and Mamta Patnaik’s Beyond Dreams.

Smriti plays the role of Tarunima in the show. Talking about the new trend in Hindi TV of thriller shows doing well, Smriti states, “Thriller and mystery shows have always attracted audiences since long ago. People of all ages love to watch these kinds of stories which are unreal and unseen.”

Talking about her character, she says, “This story belongs to a city called Landsdale and I am playing Landsdale’s mayor’s wife Tarunima. We belong to the bison family in the story who are enemies of wolves. Tarunima is a very classy, brave and faithful kind of woman who supports her family unconditionally and willingly takes over the charge during adverse conditions. Her journey in this story is from a soft housewife to a powerful dynamic lady who fights for the rights of her family and city.”

“The approach of our show is quite modern and fast-paced. The VFX is of very good quality and special care has been taken to give every character their look. Above all, the show has a lot of popular and talented actors who I am sure are going to add their spark.”

Smriti is glad to be associated with the show as the makers Mamta and Yash Patnaik have taken the risk of going beyond the normal. “They are ready to take risks and try to set the new trends for Indian daily soaps. This is the best part about the show.”

Best of luck, Smriti!!