Actress Patrali Chattopadhyay has a flair for picking up interesting yet different roles!! Patrali who has featured in TV shows Kya Haal Mr Paanchal, Karmaphal Daata Shani, Thoda Sa Baadal Thoda Sa Paani, Baalveer 3 has joined the cast of Star Plus’ upcoming show Jhanak. Written and produced by Leena Gangopadhyay, Jhanak has actors Krushal Ahuja, Chandni Sharma and Hiba Nawab playing the leads. The show also has Kajal Pisal, Dolly Sohi, Sanjay Gandhi, Bharat Kaul, Sunny Sachdeva, Sachin Verma playing the leads.
Patrali will play the role of Bipasha in Jhanak. Talking about her character, Patrali states, “She is a grey character. More about her and her nature will gradually unfold after a few episodes. She belongs to the male protagonist’s family. She is rich, gossipy and full of shades.”
Patrali has tried out many characters, including a complex one in Thoda Sa Baadal Thoda Sa Paani. Ask her how different this one will be and she avers, “Bipasha’s shades are different from other characters which I have played earlier. Having said this, one can always find a few similar traits in Bipasha depending on the twists and turns in the story. Initially, Bipasha might seem to be a neutral modern character. But her opportunist and snooty personality will make her grey, as the story progresses.”
The promo of Jhanak depicts the journey of a girl who hails from an unprivileged backdrop and aspires to be a dancer. ‘Jhanak’ defies all odds to make ends meet and fulfill her dream, but a tragedy strikes her family, which turns her world upside down. Jhanak’s story would be an emotional rollercoaster ride for audiences and show how she rises from ashes, just like a phoenix.
Best of luck, Patrali!!