Popular actor Mandar Chandwadkar who plays the role of Aatmaram Tukaram Bhide in the Sony SAB show Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah has been a strong pillar in the cast of the show. Produced by Asit Kumarr Modi’s Neela Film Productions, Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah which launched in 2008 is doing extremely well even today, with the show garnering exceptionally good TRPs.

Calling this journey with the show to be heartwarming and gratifying, Mandar talks to IWMBuzz.com exclusively. He takes us through his journey and also talks about the unique Republic Day Celebrations that he has seen on the show.

Read on.

What is your favourite track in Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah which was shown along the country’s Azaadi?

One of my favourite episodes was when we sang patriotic songs. I had the privilege of singing Hariharan’s iconic song Bharat Humko Jaan Se Pyara Hai. That shoot was quite special as it was done with a multi-camera setup. While there have been many memorable episodes, this one stands out for me.

How have you usually celebrated Republic Day on the sets of the show?

On Republic Day, we celebrate with a sense of pride and togetherness on the set. The day begins with the flag-hoisting ceremony, a moment of great honour for all of us. After that, we come together as a team to enjoy a small celebration featuring fafda and jalebi. It’s a simple yet meaningful way to mark the occasion while strengthening our bond as a family on set.

What did you do this year?

This year, there weren’t any elaborate plans as Republic Day is usually a holiday for our industry. I made the most of this day by spending quality time with my family. It’s a great opportunity to relax, reflect, and enjoy the holiday with loved ones while appreciating the significance of the day.

Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah is doing extremely well on the ratings chart. Even after so many years, it is still being counted in the big league of shows. Your thoughts on it.

The success of Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah is truly humbling and fills us with immense gratitude. The audience’s unwavering love and loyalty have been the driving force behind the show’s sustained performance. It’s heartwarming to know that people continue to connect with the simplicity, humour, and relatable storytelling that the show offers. This bond with the viewers motivates us to keep giving our best.

What do you aspire for you and your family in this New Year?

As we step into the New Year, my aspiration is simple yet meaningful: to continue working on the show with happiness and dedication, bringing smiles to our audience. On a personal front, I wish for my family’s well-being and joy, as their support is my biggest strength.

Your message to your fans will be

My humble message to my fans is to strike a balance between their work and the time spent on social media platforms. By doing so, they can ensure the optimal use of their efforts, paving the way for a brighter future for themselves and contributing to the growth and success of India.