Actor Srikant Dwivedi, who recently led the show Lakshmi Narayan on Colors and currently plays the role of Lord Vishnu in the mythological show, Shiv Shakti-Tap Tyag Tandav on Colors, says that he has always specially celebrated Republic Day. He adds that the day holds a lot of significance for him.

“Republic Day has always been a nostalgic day for me because it takes me back to my school days, which are filled with so many memories associated with this special day. Back then, different schools used to compete on Republic Day in what we called the Parade Competition. A chief guest would come to witness the event, and we had to give our best performance, showcasing our school’s pride. Whenever I think about Republic Day, it takes me back to those moments. Gradually, I became the leader of my school’s parade team. For three consecutive years, I led the team and we won first prize every single time, securing the gold. Thinking about those moments always brings a smile to my face and makes me feel nostalgic,” he says.

He adds, “I also remember our PT teacher, who was very strict with us. He would always say that our school’s name and trophy should never go to another school. He made sure we practised tirelessly, often keeping the same discipline and pace as during our final performances. When I look back, I realize that as children, we didn’t fully understand the deeper significance of Republic Day. For us, it was all about patriotism, loving our country, and shouting slogans like Bharat Mata Ki Jai. Over time, we learned that January 26th is celebrated to honour the day when the Indian Constitution was framed in 1950. It made me appreciate why Republic Day is so important to us as Indians.”

Talking about the relevance of the day today, he says, “The importance of Republic Day in today’s time cannot be overstated. I strongly believe that people should be more aware of why we celebrate Republic Day. Ironically, many people don’t even know the reason behind it. This awareness needs to be cultivated, and people should be taught about the significance of this day. We need to remember the freedom struggle, the sacrifices of our freedom fighters, and how our ancestors fought against British rule and other oppressors for 200 years. The struggles and pain they endured to achieve independence are lessons that should never be forgotten. Equally important is understanding why the Constitution was framed, what its purpose is, and why it holds such significance.”

He adds, “The Constitution of India includes fundamental rights, duties, and principles that shape our democracy. While it may not be possible for everyone to understand every detail, the basic knowledge of these rights and the Constitution’s significance should be common knowledge. People need to understand why January 26th is such an important day and the history behind it.”

He says that people should be taught more about the country. “I also believe that there should be more emphasis on teaching and instilling a sense of nationalism. As they say, that emotional connection to the country—the feeling of belonging and pride—seems to be lacking nowadays. We need to nurture that emotional attachment to our nation, the very country that provides for us and allows us to live freely. Today, we are fortunate to live in one of the best countries in the world, where we enjoy freedom of speech, expression, and countless other rights. Not every country provides this level of freedom. Some are ruled by authoritarian regimes or are under strict control. India, on the other hand, is the largest democracy in the world, and people should understand and value what that means. We should feel proud of our connection to this country and cherish the freedom we have. This is why I love my country, and it’s also why Republic Day holds a special place in my heart. It reminds us of our history, our struggles, and the privilege of living in a free and democratic nation,” he says.