Shraddha Arya is currently making hurls with her work in Kundali Bhagya. However, the actress is now tired of answering fans and others who have been questioning her single status. The actress who shared a picture with an engagement ring a few days back, made fans speculate that she is engaged, while the actress was only endorsing a brand.
She said, “I am single and have been for a long time. The pandemic has not been a great time to be single (laughs). But honestly, the last one year has taught me to be grateful for a lot of things. I had posted a picture of a ring and people assumed I was engaged. But I was just endorsing a brand. Yes, I do want to find a life partner and get married. The search for a companion is not on the backburner, but I haven’t found anyone.”
Shraddha spoke on her relationship with Alam Makkar, saying, “We were seeing if things worked out between us. I hadn’t even seen his house or met his family. And before things could move forward, we called it off. The engagement was a segment on the show and not for real. I feel too much was made about it. I never said that I was dating Alam or was going to marry him.” as stated in ETimes.