Urfi Javed is known for her unconventional, sometimes bizarre fashion updos. The actress often shares pictures of her fashion trails on her social media gram, engaging netizens in comments, who often give mixed reactions to the star, and most of the time, end up getting trolled.
And now for a change, the actress has swamped the internet with her gorgeous looks in her emerald green florally, embellished salwar suit, leaving fans wowed us with her style. The video shared on her social media features Urfi Javed in a pretty emerald salwar suit with minimal makeup and open hair.
She teamed the outfit with matching earrings and aced a gorgeous walk donning the outfit. On the work front, the actress shot to fame with her recent stint in Bigg Boss OTT and got immensely popular over the years, and currently make it to headlines with her fashion lookbook.
View Instagram Post 1: Time When Urfi Javed Stole Our Hearts In Green Suit