Breaking Bad is one of the best TV series ever created which has a unique storyline. The plot of the TV series revolves around two protagonists including Walter White, a chemistry teacher and his ex-student, Jesse Pinkman. The character of Jesse Pinkman is played by Aaron Paul while Walter White is played by Bryan Cranston. For those who have watched this epic show will know what kind of a character Jesse Pinkman is. But for those unaware, Jesse Pinkman is impulsive but also an adorable character who charmed us with his dim wits. He is not great in studies and drops out of school. Later he teams up with his chemistry professor and enters into a meth making business.

The show has 5 seasons and takes us through a rollercoaster of emotions. Today we talk about the moments when Aaron Paul stole our hearts with his charming character on the show. Jesse Pinkman is someone who adores children and women. He can never hurt them nor can he see anyone harm innocent kids and women. His connection with the child Brock Cantillo is simply cute. In one of the episodes, when he realises that druggie parents have a small child, whom they leave behind all alone at home, he plays ‘Peekaboo’ ‘Peekaboo’ with the child and takes care of the child until his druggie parents return. He stole our hearts right there in those moments.

Another cute moment was when Jesse who isn’t great in science suggests an idea to Mr White and Frank and they don’t take it seriously for obvious reasons. But in the end, Jesse’s plan seems to be their only option and when his idea works out, Jesse jumps in excitement all happy! That was an adorable moment for all the Aaron Paul fans. Aaron Paul made us fall in love with him and stole our hearts not just a few times but through multiple moments on the show. Trust us, it’s a never ending list!