Actor Arpit Ranka, who is seen in shows such as Mahabharat as Duryodhana, and RadhaKrishn as Kans, says that social media has its positive as well as negative points. He adds that while it helps him connect to fans, some people cross lines for views.

Says Arpit who will be seen in the Telugu flick Kannappa, of Vishnu Manchu, “Social media is like a double-edged sword. On one hand, it’s amazing how it gives a platform to so many talented individuals. I love how it connects me with fans and allows me to showcase different sides of my personality and share updates about my upcoming projects. However, it’s sad to see some people crossing the line just for views and followers. For me, social media is significant. But I draw a line when it comes to negativity and disrespect. I believe in spreading positivity and being authentic, rather than chasing trends that don’t align with who I am.”

He adds, “For me, social media has been a total game-changer. It’s incredible how it has expanded my reach. I can share my work, thoughts, and even snippets of my daily life, creating a closer bond with my audience. The instant feedback and interaction are truly motivating. Plus, it has opened up a ton of new opportunities, from brand collaborations to acting roles. When used correctly, social media is a powerful tool that can really elevate one’s career.”

Ask him if he has ever felt overwhelmed by how quickly those around him have become popular on social media, and he says, “ Yes, there have been times when I have felt overwhelmed by how quickly others have become popular on social media. But I believe true credibility comes from authenticity and talent, not just the number of followers or likes. Popularity on social media can be fleeting, but genuine connections and real talent have lasting value.”

However, not getting views can be frustrating. “It can be quite frustrating when you put your heart into creating content and the views just don’t reflect the effort. However, I have learned to focus on the quality of my content rather than just the numbers. It’s important to remember why you are sharing content in the first place and not get too caught up in the metrics,” he says.

The actor says that it has become necessary to be active on social media to get work as well. “I recognize the value this brings in terms of marketing and audience reach, I firmly believe that the essence of casting should always be about finding the right talent for the role. Social media can highlight an actor’s personality and popularity, but it shouldn’t be the deciding factor. Talent, passion, and dedication to the craft are what truly make an actor stand out,” he says.