Actor Pankaj Avadhesh Shukla is all set to enter Star Plus’ popular show Udne Ki Aasha, produced by Rahul Tewary and Rolling Tales Production. Udne Ki Aasha, has seen a remarkable graph with it ending the year 2024 as the top-rated show. Pankaj will enter the show in the role of an eve-teaser by name Chandu. Chandu will own a marriage banquet hall and will meet Sailee (Neha Harsora) for the first time as a customer. Chandu will follow Sailee, and send her sleazy messages on the phone which will end up in a big problem.

As we know, Sachin (Kanwar Dhillon) and Sailee share a very good understanding and Sailee will contemplate taking Sachin’s help when Chandu’s sleazy acts towards her will intensify.

Pankaj who was seen in Sony LIV’s Chamak is happy to play this out-and-out negative role.

Pankaj says about his track in the show, “Chandu, though educated, treats women as commodities. He does not even care if the woman is married or not, he pursues a lady if he likes her. He is a man with a loose moral character. This will be an interesting track, where Sailee will be affected the most by Chandu’s behaviour. I am happy to be a part of Udne Ki Aasha. Viewers will see a lot of action in the coming episodes.”

The track will eventually see a showdown between Sachin (Kanwar Dhillon) and Chandu, which will be the major high point in the coming episodes.