Television’s beloved couple, Vivek Dahiya and Divyanka Tripathi, are well-known actors for their roles in Yeh Hai Mohabbatein. Besides acting skills, the actor’s social media presence is always on point; he always recently delights fans by sharing unseen pictures from the first birthday celebration of Gautam Rode and Pankhuri Awasthy Rode’s baby. The star-studded event was filled with joy, love, and precious moments that the couple beautifully captured and shared on Instagram.

Vivek Dahiya And Divyanka Tripathi Shares Celebrations Pictures Of Gautam And Pankhuri’s Twins Babies Birthday-

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Gautam and Pankhuri, who welcomed their little ones last year on 25 July 2023, celebrated this milestone with an intimate and heartwarming belated birthday celebration. Vivek and Divyanka’s pictures offer a glimpse into this special gathering, making the audience feel included in the joyous occasion.

The photos highlight some candid and adorable moments from the celebration. On the stage, Vivek Dahiya poses with the father, Gautam. In the next picture, Divyanka Tripathi, Vivek Dahiya, Gautam, and Pankhuri are the most favorite couple in one frame with sweet smiles. The couple also took a picture with Amrita Rao, her husband RJ Anmol, and a cute baby Veer. Their shared moments reflect their deep bond with the families, making the celebration even more memorable.

Vivek Dahiya and Divyanka Tripathi’s pictures from Gautam and Pankhuri Rode’s babies’ first birthday celebration have given fans a beautiful glimpse into a special day filled with love, laughter, and unforgettable memories.

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