Ashi Singh, the popular Meet actress took it to her Instagram handle to share her Phuket trip insights with her ardent fan following on Instagram. The actress owns a huge fan following on Instagram, crossing over 2 million followers already.

Speaking of her Phuket trip, the actress shared the video, dropping in glimpses from the car ride to the airport, then her passport, her boarding, and then a straight transition to her scooty ride on the Phuket roads. The actress almost vibed up like Thailand native in her tropical special outfits for the trip.

Sharing the video, Ashi Singh wrote, “This what Insta made for me” along with star emoji in the caption.

Take a look-

View Instagram Post 1: Watch: Ashi Singh shares glimpse of exotic Phuket trip, take virtual tour with her

On the work front, Ashi Singh debuted to screens with the show Yeh Un Dinon Ki Baat Hai. Later to that, she starred in Aladdin after Avneet left the show during Covid. And as of now, she is the title lead in the show Meet.