Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai the popular and long-running show on Star Plus which is produced by Rajan Shahi, is entering into a very exciting phase, which has been much-anticipated. Yes, Armaan has realized his love for Abhira, and Abhira too is longing to be with Armaan. Now, with the makers all ready to give the audience the lovely moment of a love confession happening between Armaan and Abhira, Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai is again buzzing with renewed energy. It is the time for love, in the show! Viewers are loving the chemistry between Rohit Purohit and Samridhii Shukla. As Armaan, Rohit has been outstanding in his emotional outbursts. Now, the fans of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai are waiting for the love story of their #AbhiMaan to start. Well, Rohit Purohit has been teasing the loyal fans of the show with some amazing pictures on social media.
The pictures are from the dream sequence of Armaan dancing with Abhira during his baraat. Armaan, dressed in his groom attire, and Abhira dressed in a golden lehenga look captivating.
The pictures have Armaan and Abhira depicting their united hearts in style. These pictures have added more tension in building suspense in #AbhiMaan’s love story. Rohit has put up a series of pictures of the much-loved Jodi and has asked the question to fans of the show, to pick their favourite out of them.
He writes,
Pick your favorite 😍
#abhimaan #abhira #armaan #yehrishtakyakehlatahai
You can check the amazing lost-in-love pictures of Armaan and Abhira here.
Courtesy: Instagram
Will these BTS lovey-dovey pictures of Armaan and Abhira be replicated onscreen? Are we surely seeing a love confession of Armaan and Abhira?
Are Armaan and Abhira getting married?
Lots of questions are sure to be asked from the loved fans of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai. Truly, they are waiting to see the big moment of love brewing between Armaan and Abhira.
Will the makers serve the audience with a memorable love confession?
You can share your thoughts here.