Colors, that recently aired Megha Barsenge, a show about a young woman’s struggle for justice after being abandoned post-marriage, has its newly launched show titled Suman Indori. Produced by Prateek Sharma’s LSD Films, Suman Indori offers a realistic portrayal of the challenges faced by middle-class families as they navigate the pressures of everyday life. The show juxtaposes the struggles of a middle-class family against the affluent Mittal family, known for their successful namkeen business. The contrasting depictions aim to provide an insightful look into the dynamics of different societal strata.

The contrast between the lifestyles of these two families and the resulting clash makes for compelling viewing. The show does a great job of portraying the grievances and challenges faced by Suman’s family with a focus on realistic storytelling. Additionally, the Sarafa Bazaar in Indore serves as a common element for both the male and female protagonists. Suman’s hard work is recognized and valued by the people in Sarafa Bazaar, while Teerth Mittal seeks to garner support and votes from the residents of the Bazaar through his political endeavours.

Suman is depicted as a resilient, determined young woman who is committed to ensuring the well-being and happiness of her family. She prioritizes providing her sister with a quality education and holds deep aspirations for her brother’s future. Operating a Chaat Bhandar serves as her primary means of sustenance. Suman’s unwavering dedication to seeking justice and standing up for what is right, while harboring a strong aversion to politics, is skillfully woven into the storyline. Her strong love for her family serves as the driving force behind her pursuit of various goals, both large and small.

Teerth Mittal is known for his kind-hearted nature, yet his aspirations for a successful political career often overshadow his ability to act as a true humanitarian. His relentless drive to secure a political nomination and advance his stature in the political arena frequently takes precedence over his moral compass. He often finds himself facing moral dilemmas and at a crossroads, torn between his political ambitions and doing what is right.

Devika Mittal is an assertive and determined individual who strives to be in control of situations. She is not hesitant to employ unscrupulous methods to achieve her goals. Devika holds a special place in the heart of her father-in-law, Chandrakant Mittal. Both at home and in the workplace, she is seen as an exemplary figure. Devika excels at nurturing relationships and skillfully manipulating circumstances to her advantage.

Suman Indori skillfully weaves together the lives of three distinctly different characters – Suman, Devika, and Teerth. The clash of their ideologies forms the crux of the show’s plot, and in its first week, the creators have been able to lay a strong foundation for their story.

The cast has truly elevated the storyline with their powerful performances. Ashnoor Kaur has captivated the audience with her promising portrayal of the lead role, setting a strong foundation for her character’s development. Zain Imam’s portrayal of a complex character demonstrates his skilful navigation of intricate emotions. Anita Hassanandani’s outstanding execution of her role as a pivotal character has set the stage for significant impact on the progression of Suman and Teerth’s characters in the unfolding story.

Sai Ballal and Nishigandha Wad bring a captivating contrast to their roles as a couple, while Manisha Purohit’s portrayal of Bua is intricately detailed. Shweta Gautam shines as the affectionate mother, and Arunim Mishra’s depiction of the endearing brother Rishi adds depth to the story. Sambhabana Mohanty’s portrayal of Kritika is exceptionally distinct. Ranveer Singh Malik’s performance as the notorious Gulshan is a good addition to the cast.

The show guarantees an intense showdown between Devika and Suman, and has already given viewers a glimpse of what’s to come. It promises to present a compelling portrayal of the conflict between a Jethani and Devrani. Anticipation is building as viewers eagerly await to see the onscreen chemistry between Zain and Ashnoor unfold.

The show airs at an early evening slot of 6:30 PM, which may affect its ability to attract a large audience. However, positive word-of-mouth could help the show succeed. We hope the creators continue to keep the main characters unpredictable and avoid following the same predictable storylines.

We at give Suman Indori 3.5 out of 5 stars.