Leena Gangopadhyay, the talented producer and writer, has unveiled her third Hindi TV show, which has generated high anticipation. The show is truly unique, revolving around the story of a young female singer with immense potential, who hesitates to pursue her dreams of fame and recognition. While we have often seen stories about singers on the big screen, this theme is a rare find on television. Leena’s decision to explore this concept on TV, despite the demanding production schedules, is truly praiseworthy.

The show features many captivating and complex storylines. It follows the journey of an underdog while also exploring the cultural contrasts between a wealthy Punjabi family and a middle-class Bengali family.

The show portrays an ongoing conflict between sisters Adrija and Meghla, but the rationale behind their discord remains inadequately explained. The elder sister, Adrija, perceives her younger sister, Meghla, as envious and faults her for nearly everything without valid justification. Despite the parents’ efforts to foster a loving bond between the sisters, their attempts prove futile. Is there a deeper underlying cause for Adrija’s animosity towards her sister? It is hoped that the creators will offer a more comprehensive explanation over time, as the audience has yet to be provided with a clear understanding of the primary reason behind Adrija’s hostile reactions.

The Bajwa family’s aristocratic joint family lifestyle presents a complex family tree spanning four generations. Unravelling the family’s intricate dynamics will require time and attention from the audience. As the story unfolds, the Bajwa family’s hidden secrets are set to emerge, casting a compelling and dramatic shadow over their lives.

The most captivating aspect of the story is that the patriarch, Senior Bajwa, and his sons were the ones who shattered the love life of their own daughter, Diljot, many years ago. As a result, Diljot’s mental well-being has suffered, and she harbors deep-seated resentment towards her family for causing her immense pain. She is a formidable and unignorable part in the family, exuding an aura of prickliness that cannot be overlooked.

In the first week, all the characters in the Bajwa family haven’t been clearly defined yet. Currently, only Diljot’s character has been well-defined. It’s understandable because there are so many family members to introduce.

The Sen family, residing in New Delhi, consists of parents Chandan Sen and Mahua Sen, along with their daughters, Adrija and Meghla. Although the family seems content and close-knit, there are noticeable tensions between Adrija and her younger sister, as explained earlier.

Meghla Sen possesses a voice that has the power to touch the deepest of emotions. She is devoted to learning classical singing from a highly respected Guruji. While she struggles with academics, her extraordinary voice has the potential to open doors to great opportunities. Despite her talents, Meghla is depicted as a timid individual who is unaware of her own abilities. The portrayal of Meghla’s character could benefit from further development, as it is unclear why she sees herself as an underdog. With her attractive appearance, exceptional voice, and supportive parents, it is puzzling why she perceives herself this way. A question that we hope, is given a better understanding with time!!

The Bajwa family is headed by the grandparents, followed by three sons and a daughter. Balraj Singh Bajwa is the patriarch, while his sons are Balbir Singh Bajwa and Zorawar Singh Bajwa. There is a third son who has been mentioned in the narrative but has not been shown. Balbir Singh has a son Harman Bajwa who is married to a journalist. Harman and his wife are shown to be in a constant clash with each other. Zoravar Singh has a son and daughter, Ranbir Singh Bajwa and Nimrit Singh Bajwa. Param Singh Bajwa is also shown, and the fourth generation has kids of Harman being shown.

Even though the Bajwa family manages a chain of luxurious hotels throughout New Delhi, Ranbir Singh Bajwa has pursued his true passion and is now working as a pilot. He exudes a deep passion for living an adventurous lifestyle, evident from everything we’ve observed about him so far. He is a devoted family man, spreading love to everyone in his extended family, and holds a special place in his heart for his aunt Diljot. Nimrit is portrayed as Adrija’s friend, studying alongside her.

The story also follows Meghla’s Guruji, who was once the romantic partner of Diljot Singh Bajwa. The audience is made aware of this connection. Diljot, who was also a talented singer, found common ground with her Bengali husband through their shared love for music.

The Bajwas are about to experience another encounter with a Bengali household as Ranbir and Meghla are set to embark on a journey of love. It will be interesting to see how this new love story unfolds in comparison to Diljot’s. Previously, their actions led to the devastation of their daughter’s life, as the Bajwas were determined to maintain their family’s reputation.

The portrayal of Meghla’s journey to become a singer is a complex task, especially in a television show. Capturing the intricacies of a singer’s performance on screen requires attention to detail. While Sonakshi Batra is making a sincere effort, there is room for improvement in her rendition of raag alaaps. Although the lip-syncing is decent, the depth and emotion expected from a singer seem lacking. A singer’s performance should emanate from the soul, not just the physical act of singing. The heightened emotion that a singer brings to a performance is notably absent. This observation extends to the portrayal of the Guruji as well, where better lip-syncing would also benefit.

The TV show Iss Ishq Ka Rabb Rakha is described as a romantic tale that aims to challenge the cultural divides between two families. It will be interesting to see how the creators handle this clash between the families. The promo sets a light-hearted and feel-good tone for the clash, emphasizing humour. However, it’s worth noting that humour hasn’t been evident in the plot so far.

Fahmaan Khan has bravely stepped out of his comfort zone by adorning the pagdi. His new look is truly invigorating, and it’s clear that his pilot persona exudes authority and respect. Meanwhile, Sonakshi Batra is pouring her passion and dedication into her character, and her effort is truly shining through.

Karamveer Chaudhary as the patriarch of the Bajwa family is convincing. Sheela Sharma, Jaideep Singh, Harsh Vasishth, Shalini Kapoor Sagar, Vikas Grover, Jyoti Mukherjee, Saptrishi Ghosh, Achal Tankwal and others look their characters.

Gunjan Vijaya’s return to acting after a long break is notable, especially in the portrayal of the complex character of Diljot Singh Bajwa. Her performance is marked by sincerity, and she has fearlessly taken on a challenging role for her comeback.

The success of Iss Ishq Ka Rabb Rakha hinges on the freshness of the love story and how effectively the makers portray the cultural clash. Strong word-of-mouth will likely follow if the serial manages to go beyond the usual norms.

We at IWMBuzz.com give 2.5 stars out of 5 for Iss Ishq Ka Rabb Rakha.