Jagriti is a compelling new Zee TV drama produced by Guruodev Bhalla Productions. The show revolves around Jagriti, a courageous seven-year-old girl from the marginalized Chitta community, who fights for her basic rights of freedom and empowerment. Set in Mokshgarh, Jharkhand, the show powerfully portrays the systemic injustices faced by the Chitta community, who are unjustly labeled as criminals and forced into hunting, depriving them of a life of freedom. Jagriti, born to Chitta Harish and the confident Geetha from a wealthy family, challenges the stark contrast in lifestyle between her community and others, sparking a transformative movement to end the exploitation endured by her people for generations.

Jagriti tells a poignant story of a young girl striving to improve the lives of her community, the Chitta people, in the face of injustice. The narrative also delves into the emotional connection between the girl and her father, who is grappling with the aftermath of a failed love affair.

The Chitta community’s heartbreaking struggle with being labelled as criminals from birth evokes deep empathy in the audience. The stark reality of their torment at the hands of feudal lords strikes a chord with viewers.

The forbidden love between Harish and Geetha, which has the potential to spark a revolution against societal oppression, is ruthlessly suppressed. Harish, belonging to the Chitta community, dares to defy the feudal system and strives to break free from subservience. However, the powerful forces at play ultimately bring their love story to a tragic end through cunning manipulations. Despite this, their daughter, Jagriti, is destined to carry the torch of change and lead their community towards justice and liberation. The narrative holds the promise of an inspiring and impactful journey ahead.

The show is remarkable for its stunning visuals and cinematography. The jungle scenes are authentically captured, immersing viewers in the Chitta clan’s daily challenges and evoking empathy. In contrast, the portrayal of the outer world, ruled by the feudal dictator Kalikant Thakur, is absolutely breathtaking.

The show excels in its brilliant character portrayals. Aarya Babbar’s portrayal of the ruthless Kalikant Thakur is truly terrifying. The character of Durjan is intricately crafted, showcasing a compassionate heart juxtaposed with the responsibility of leading the Chittas. Prakhar Saxena’s performance is particularly noteworthy, capturing the nuances of his character’s facial expressions, authoritative demeanor within the clan, and moments of vulnerability.

Asmi Deo has truly blossomed with this character. This role is a significant departure from her previous character in Anupamaa, and it showcases the potential of the young actor’s promising career ahead. Asmi adeptly shoulders the show with her tender portrayal. Her scenes are filled with bravery, hope, and inquisitiveness, leaving a lasting impression.

Yash Gera and Titiksha Shrivastava as Harish and Geetha have bagged challenging roles. Their love story is endearing to watch. The sequences between Yash and Asmi are impactful. It will be interesting to see these three individuals with equal courage combine to bring about the change.

Aarti Patel as Bindi is doing a good job. And so are Himani Sharma as Nanda and Cindrella as Mangla. Hanish Kaushal, Anjali Banerjee, Vijhay Badlani are impressive.

The title song of Jagriti is inspiring to the core. The background music too creates a wave of optimism in the struggle of Jagriti.

Zee TV’s recent additions, Vasudha and Jagriti, take divergent paths in their storytelling. Both shows stand out and offer a fresh perspective within the channel’s current lineup. Jagriti promises to captivate audiences with its storyline, as it chronicles the protagonist’s quest for independence and self-discovery.

We at IWMBuzz.com give Jagriti 3.5 out of 5 stars.