Actor Shivam Khajuria, currently seen in the popular television show Anupamaa, shared his perspective on the ongoing controversies surrounding lead actress Rupali Ganguly among other things in an interview with Siddharth Kannan. Speaking about the allegations leveled against her about actors being replaced because of her or chopping actor’s bits, Khajuria dismissed them as baseless and clarified that he had not observed any such behavior on set.

Khajuria noted that Rupali Ganguly is a celebrated star, and with the immense love she receives, some negativity is inevitable. He mentioned that he had spoken to Ganguly about such challenges, reminding her that public figures often face criticism along with admiration. According to Khajuria, Ganguly does feel disheartened when these allegations surface, especially since she insists she has no involvement in the accusations being made against her. He emphasized that claims about Ganguly calling the shots on set, speaking ill about co-actors, or influencing the editing of scenes are entirely untrue, adding that his experience of three months on the show confirmed this.

Addressing concerns about the show’s recent performance, Khajuria refuted suggestions that Anupamaa is losing its popularity. He acknowledged that long-running shows inevitably experience ups and downs, explaining that fluctuations are a natural part of any series’ journey. He also highlighted the recent leap in the storyline, which introduced new characters and plots. He believes this transition phase requires time for viewers to connect with the fresh developments. However, he assured that even during this period, the show continues to maintain its hold on the audience.

On the topic of allegations from Ganguly’s stepdaughter, Khajuria shared that while Ganguly remains professional on set, she appeared deeply saddened and emotionally affected by the situation. Though they did not discuss the matter in detail, Khajuria observed that Ganguly was dealing with the pain silently, balancing her personal emotions with her commitment to work.

Khajuria’s statements come amidst a wave of public and media speculation about Ganguly and the show’s trajectory, offering insight into the atmosphere on set and the challenges faced by the cast.

The actor plays Prem in the show, one of the leads post leap.