Actress Archana Puran Singh recently injured herself during a shoot, resulting in a painful hand injury. Today, the actress shared a vlog on her YouTube channel documenting her painful injury. The actress slipped and broke her wrist while shooting for a film alongside Rajkummar Rao. She also got hurt on her face after the fall. The actress was rushed to the hospital on the spot, and she recovered soon. After two days, she rejoined her work.

In the video, Archana from the hospital bed revealed that she was fine after a day. Sharing her experience, she highlighted that she never thought, “Mere Sath Aisa Hoga Kabhi Socha Nahi Tha.” But after the incident, she was shocked, and she didn’t even allow her kids to vlog about her injury until she felt fine. Further, she apologized for the loss to the production and promised to join as soon as possible.

Archana’s vlog started with the scene from the shoot and how she fell. After that, people gather to pick her up and rush to the hospital. Further, one of Archana’s sons started crying after getting the news. In addition, Archana revealed that she will soon head to Virar for the shoot to finish her work as the team needs her. She highlighted that the shooting would be done in a way that her injured hand wouldn’t be visible. And just a few hours of work is left. The actress ended the video by leaving the hospital with her husband and said that everything happens for a reason.