Arjit Taneja is ruling over hearts as Virat Singh Ahuja in Zee TV’s one popular show, Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye. The show has successfully entertained the audience with the beautiful love story of Arjit Taneja as Virat and Sriti Jha as Amruta. Amidst the ongoing track where Amruta is seen as a ghost who is trying to expose Priyanka and get the Ahuja family their property back, the reports suggest that the show is heading for a leap. And now Arjit has confirmed the leap with his latest social media dump.

On his Instagram account, Arjit shared a series of behind-the-scenes photos from the sets of his show. The actor is seen wearing a brown shirt with yellow stripes in the picture. He left his upper buttons open, leaving his female fans in awe. With a simple chain and diamond earrings, she looked dashing. His puffy hairstyle and edgy jawline made him look effortlessly charming. However, with his caption, “And just before the “leap” of faith! 😉 #IYKYK #ViratSinghAhuja #KaiseMujheTumMilGaye,” the actor confirmed the leap news even though he didn’t directly mention the same, but this hints at the upcoming twist.

Arjit Taneja Shares BTS Photos, Confirms Leap In Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye 933244

Arjit Taneja Shares BTS Photos, Confirms Leap In Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye 933245

As per the earlier reports about the leap, major changes can be seen in the show. A few-year leap is expected, and the story will have a fresh beginning. The leap time duration is under discussion, and a three-year jump was proposed, but there is no confirmation about the same.

Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye stars Arjit Taneja and Sriti Jha in the lead roles, while Pratiksha Honmukhe plays the protagonist. It is produced by Mukta Dhond’s Malhar Content Creators.