Good news for Dev Joshi fans: The actor is embarking on a new journey as he gets engaged. The actor who rose to fame portraying the character of Baalveer as a child actor in the Sony SAB show Baalveer has become a young boy now. Surprising his fans, the actor shared the news of his engagement on his social media with an adorable photo with his partner.
On Monday, 20 January, Dev shared a reel in which, in front of Lord Ganesh, the couple held each other’s hands without showing their faces. With the caption, the actor revealed that he is officially engaged now, saying, “And we decided on forever! Here’s to a lifetime of love, laughter, and countless beautiful memories together. #Engaged #ForeverStartsNow #DevAarti. ” The couple exchanged rings on Sunday, 19 January 2025.
Onn 21 January, Dev dropped an adorable photo with his fiancee Aarti as the duo embarked ona a new journey, wishing, “Together, in faith, love and life!.” The couple can be seen posing in front of the Maa Kamakhya Mandur in the photo. The duo wore Rudraksh Mala with a red shawl as they arrived to seek blessings. Flashing their beautiful smiles, they looked into the camera. And the way Dev pulled Aarti close for a photo, keeping his hand on her shoulder, hints at their chemistry. The couple looked happy as they decided to step on a very difficult yet beautiful path of life.
Dev Joshi didn’t reveal any other details about the marriage dates, but it seems the actor is all set to marry soon and begin his new journey with his new partner. The actor is currently 24 years old and last appeared in Baalveer from 6 May to 23 July 2024.