Actress Bhavika Sharma who plays the role of Savi in Star Plus and Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment’s Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin, has confirmed her exit from the show. As we know, there were media reports brewing on yet another generation leap in the story, with a new story track emerging with new leads. However, none had found any sort of confirmation till now.
As we know, Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin, boasts of good TRP, and is one of the top-rated shows. The show’s first edition which had Neil Bhatt and Ayesha Singh was a huge hit, followed by Shakti Arora’s entry. This was later followed by Hitesh Bharadwaj being paired with Bhavika Sharma.
Now, in an exclusive talk with, Bhavika has confirmed her exit from the popular show. This only means that the show will soon see a fresh new chapter. We take reference to that story for our write-up here. In the report, Bhavika had confirmed saying, “Yes, we are going ahead with the leap.” When asked whether she would be a part of Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin after the leap, Bhavika revealed, “No, I won’t be a part. Nobody is going to be a part of the show. They will start a new chapter—a new season with a different story.”
Well, there are also media reports of Sanam Johar and Vaibhavi Hankare playing leads in Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin.
What are your thoughts on this new development in Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin?