Bigg Boss 18’s one of the most popular contestants, Vivian Dsena, who is referred to as ‘Colors Ladla’, has been in the limelight. Everyone’s parents loved him and his personality, but during the last ‘Weekend Ka Vaar’, his old friend Kamyab Punjabi expressed her disappointment. Though he agreed with her points, he also kept his feelings clear while talking to Chahat post the ‘Weekend Ka Vaar.’ Amidst all the controversies about him, his wife, Nouran Aly, opened up on how the entire family is being trolled due to the game.

In a recent interview with Galatta India, Nouran revealed some interesting details from her personal life. However, she talked a lot about Vivian’s privacy and how social media trolls affect her family. She said, “Yeah he go in depression sometime or he just want to take a long break from everything and stay away. And that’s why one of the biggest reasons he is off social media. Because it’s full of negativity and he gets thrown for many reason whether it is true or false so I think one of the major reason he is off social media is that he wants mind peace.”

Further, Nouran revealed,” One of the major reason he was keeping us away that the amount of trolls I’m getting now, and negative PR and all of this is really bad so you can imagine that someone who is really private, and wants to protect his privacy then entire family now because of Bigg Boss is getting trolled, and getting in the spotlight. So now I understand and respect whybhe was always off that light. Because it takes a toll on your head.”

What do you think about this?