Parth Samthaan, the popular lead of Kasautii Zindagii Kay, was one of the unfortunate ones in the TV industry to get tested positive for COVID-19. The actor had put up on social media about him testing positive. After being in self-quarantine for two weeks, Parth tested negative and informed his well-wishers of the same.

However, as per reports, Parth was seen moving out of his flat on 27 July to be with his parents.

There were a few comments on his social media then about him violating rules set by the BMC. To this, Parth had even put up his comment.

If you have missed it you can check it here: IWMBuzz

Now, the latest update is that the society where he lives in, DBWoods Co-operative Housing Society in Mumbai, has sent out a complaint stating that even when Parth’s containment was supposed to be till 31 July, he stepped out and used the lift as well as the lobby.

Check the copy here.

COVID 19 Scare: Complaint Against Parth Samthaan For Violating Rules

Well, seems like Parth Samthaan is getting into new tangles every now and then.

We sent a message to him to learn more on the incident but he chose to remain silent.