It has been a week since Salman Khan’s Bigg Boss 18 concluded, with Karan Veer Mehra emerging as the winner. The season saw fierce competition, with Vivian Dsena, Rajat Dalal, Avinash Mishra, Chum Darang, and Eisha Singh making it to the final stages. As the contestants settle back into their routines, many have been spotted enjoying time with family and friends.
Eisha Singh, who made an impact during her stint on the show, has been in the spotlight for her post-Bigg Boss appearances. She is rumored to be exploring new opportunities, including music videos and other reality shows. Her frequent outings with Avinash Mishra, a fellow contestant, have also garnered attention.
Recently, Eisha achieved a significant milestone, surpassing 2 million followers on Instagram. Marking the occasion, she shared a heartfelt note expressing gratitude toward her supporters. She wrote, “2 Million – It’s not just a number for me, but my family, my tribe who have stood by me when others turned away.” She reflected on her journey from her first TV show to her recent ventures, crediting her followers for making each milestone meaningful.
View Instagram Post 1: Eisha Singh celebrates being a 'double millionaire'
Eisha’s note further thanked her fans for their unwavering support, stating, “My heart is filled with gratitude… you’ve protected me from negatives so I can stay safe and shine. Thank you for loving me so much.”
As Eisha basks in her post-show success, fans eagerly anticipate her upcoming projects. From potential collaborations to rumored reality show appearances, her journey after Bigg Boss 18 promises to be eventful.