Actor Aarya DharmChand Kumar who was last seen in Ikk Kudi Punjab Di on Zee TV, will soon enter Star Plus’ Jhanak. Produced by Magic Moments Motion Pictures, the show has seen a new phase and plot wherein Jhanak (Hiba Nawab) will be seen entering a new Gujarati household, the house of Dr Vihaan (Kunal Verma). As we know, Jhanak will enter the new house as the wife of Dr Vihaan, and will be the mother to his son Ahaan.

We at have written earlier exclusively about the actors Jignesh Joshi, Soniyaa Kaur, and Jia Narigara who are entering the show. If you have missed reading the story, you can check it here.

Exclusive: Jignesh Joshi to enter Star Plus’ Jhanak

Exclusive: Soniyaa Kaur to enter Star Plus’ Jhanak

We now hear of Aarya joining the cast of the show as one of the elder brothers of Dr Vihaan. Aarya will yet again be paired with Soniyaa Kaur. They played a couple in the Zee TV show Ikk Kudi Punjab Di. They played a Punjabi Jodi in the Zee TV show, and will now be seen in the Gujarati household.

As per a reliable source, “Aarya’s character is soft-mannered, who respects his parents, and is a bit scared of his mother’s disciplinarian attitude.”

As per the telecast, we know that Muni Jha and Vaishali Thakkar playing the parents in the newly introduced family.

We buzzed Aarya, but did not get through to him.

We reached out to the channel spokesperson but did not get revert till we filed the story.

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