Actress Akanksha Chamola, wife of popular actor Gaurav Khanna has stayed away from the television world for many years now. She is known for her portrayals in shows Bhootu, Swaragini etc. Akanksha will now be back on television with a meaty role in Zee TV’s show Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye. Produced by Mukta Dhond’s Malhar Content Creators, Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye has taken a two-year leap post which Amruta (Sriti Jha) is seen handling Virat’s business legacy, with the help of Abhir Ahuja, his cousin brother.
As we know, Virat Singh Ahuja (Arijit Taneja) fell off the cliff and is believed to be dead. The Ahujas, including Amruta, miss his presence. We wrote about Virat being seen as a new identity elsewhere.
We have heard that Akanksha Chamola will be on the show. She will play a meaty role, which will add to the drama quotient post the leap.
As per reliable sources, “The character played by Akanksha will be the sister of the dead Priyanka. She would have nursed and cured Virat. Virat, who will be with a new identity, will be living with Akanksha’s character.”
We buzzed Akanksha but did not get through to her.
We reached out to the Producer and channel spokesperson but did not get revert till we filed the story.
It will be interesting to see if Akanksha’s character will have negative shades just like her sister, Priyanka.
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